These past couple of weeks London has been taken by storm by the amount of celebrities about...from the the Film Awards...and fashion week and the Alice in Wonderland premier the other night (which I was going to go to but the rain put me off big time...the drowned rat look really isn't working for me right now !!!!) and unfortunately the funeral of the late Lee Mcqueen ,RIP!!!
So I think I've just been a bit struck by it all not really knowing where to start.
ALSO I'm at my boyfriends in Gloucester (he's at uni there) and not much happens here at all...well nothing maybe I'm just trying to hard, the blogs just have to come naturally...
Doesn't it look I'm a sucker for desserts, I will always choose dessert over starter if I had to...
and these are all the places you can get them !!!
I will see you there...I think one of my first point of calls when I get home to the big city.
P.s my boyfriend also wants me to mention that he got gold today at his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournerment in Bristol, and he got promoted to the belt above..which yes I went to being the good girlfriend that I am..not understanding that I was going to be out for TWELVE HOURS !!!! now that is commitment for you!!!!
x x x x